Thursday, April 28, 2011
Monday, April 25, 2011
Kenneth Petruzzelli
San Joaquin River Group Authority
Wed, 20 Apr 2011
The following e-mail message was sent Wednesday, the 20th, to the Pacific Fishery Management Council, the National Marine Fisheries Service and the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration
My first represents the San Joaquin River Group Authority (“SJRGA”), a California joint power authority consisting of irrigation and water districts in the San Joaquin River Basin. The SJRGA’s member agencies have various riparian, pre-1914, and post-1914 water rights to the San Joaquin River and its tributaries. They own and operate the major non-state and non-federal facilities and supply water and power to millions of people throughout northern California. Its member agencies have made, and are making, significant efforts to preserve and restore Central Valley Chinook. Among these efforts are the Vernalis Adaptive Management Plan and San Joaquin River Restoration Program. Nonetheless, with the trend over time in declining Central Valley Chinook stocks and recent population crash in 2007-2009, the SJRGA member agencies are under increasing pressure from state and federal regulatory agencies to bypass flows, release stored water, and take other actions necessary to restore the fisheries. Meanwhile, many of these same agencies authorize high levels of ocean fishing. Although Central Valley Chinook abundance is rebounding, it has not recovered. Nonetheless, the Pacific Fishery Management Council (“Council”), on April 13, 2011, adopted recommended fishing regulations allowing high levels of harvest along in fisheries populated by Central Valley Chinook. The SJRGA member agencies have no wish to give up water diverted and used pursuant to their water rights to mitigate for ocean fishing.
The SJRGA will therefore be filing an action for declaratory and injunctive relief in the United States District Court in Eastern District of California, specifically Fresno. Defendants are the Department of Commerce, NOAA, National Marine Fisheries Service, the Southwest and Northwest Regions of the National Marine Fisheries Service, and the Pacific Fishery Management Council. Although not assured, it is expected that this case will be assigned to the Honorable Judge Oliver Wanger.
Although the 2011 regulations have not been noticed in the Federal Register and are not yet effective. The Council anticipated forwarding its recommendations to NMFS and issuing its final report by May 1, 2011, but the season for much of the California coast is set to open on May 1, 2011. In past years, Federal Register notice of the 2011 fishing regulations has not been issued until after May 1, but made the regulations effective retroactive to May 1. The SRGA does not want fishing occurring before it can get a hearing on a temporary restraining order. We plan on filing the complaint and motion this week. The motion for a temporary restraining order will seek to enjoin the 2011 fishing regulations for the Pacific Ocean fisheries south of Cape Falcon. We do not yet have a hearing date, but you will be served with it once the Court assigns a date.
Please contact me if you have any questions or wish to discuss this matter.
Ken Petruzzelli
O'Laughlin & Paris LLP
117 Meyers St., Suite 110
P.O. Box 9259
Chico, CA 95927-9259
530-899-9755 (tel)
530-899-1367 (fax)
It looks like a big bag of suck. That, of course, is my personal opinion, and in no way is reflective of the views of Lawson's Landing Inc. or any business affiliated with it. But if I were you, I'd go fishing. Quick.
Friday, April 22, 2011
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Nearly Dry Wye
The Wye takes on a much more rugged feel to it here with the riverbed strewn with large rocks and boulders covered in slimy algae which makes grip impossible and wading 'interesting' to say the least.
The bonus of this part of the river is that the sight of a Red Kite of Buzzard soaring overhead is rarely far away and the landscape in this part of Mid Wales can be stunning.
I did managed to connect with a few of the trout over the 2 days and also quite a few of the still active Grayling readily taking dries off the surface including what would have been a personal best fish for me although I only took a couple of photos and returned it quickly without any weight or accurate measurement. I have duly noted the location so I can return during the Grayling season and hopefully meet up with him again.
With Easter just around the corner we all usually long for some decent weather but I can't help hoping for a good downpour to arrive soon...especially with a planned trip to the Upper Usk in just over a week.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Monday, April 18, 2011
Friday, April 15, 2011
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Monday, April 11, 2011
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Friday, April 8, 2011
Trout On The Move
Fishing the duo method I caught nine fish in total with only one taking the dry (which had actually sunk below the surface before the fish took it).
Everything is starting to look good now with plenty of flies coming off the surface, the birds, butterflies and bees were in abundance and I really got the feeling that some good dry fly action was just around the corner.
Monday, April 4, 2011
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Fishing With Furled Leaders
As instructed by Steven (mrtrout) these leaders just need treating with Mucilin floatant before fishing and they should float fine...well he wasn't wrong there, one treatment at the beginning and that was it. It lay perfect on the surface all day.
On Saturday I was armed with my 7' #4 rod with a 3' furled leader and 4' tippet attached...I was exploring a new piece of water on a Wye tributary that I have access to and early afternoon when I arrived there was a superb hatch of Large Dark Olives which were being readily taken...unfortunately as I soon found out the rising fish seemed to be all Grayling (where were you all winter when I needed you!). A few small trout were caught later but nothing that put a bend in the rod.
Sunday I was back on the Upper Wye with my 9' #5 rod with a 5' furled leader and 5' of tippet and the Grannom hatch seems to be well underway, it was an afternoon of sunshine and showers with very little of the former! When the sun did emerge briefly from the rain clouds the Grannom seemed to immediately respond and swarm to the surface triggering a few rises. Again it was to be mostly Grayling but I was rewarded when a fantastic early season brownie that sipped my CDC dry off the top and gave a great fight.
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Grannom...seeking refuge from the rain |